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The power of llamas must rise ;3
2 posts
Posted in Wishes • 20th February 2016, 12:39 PM

So the best thing you can do... Make it possible for your wishes to come true. Moderator Wishes- If you always wanted to become a moderator...Make it possible. Try not to get warnings, don't spam, no typo, be respectful, and NEVER lie. Easier... WISH UPON A STAR! You will need a forums account, Damen will pick you for that job. It is hard to skip moderator and become admin... But what do you wish for? MAKE IT COME TRUE! Dreams are waiting for chu!

The power of llamas must rise ;3
2 posts
Posted in Poem • 19th February 2016, 06:55 PM

The stars begin to fall, it stops and WOWS at your poem