King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in What Happened To Dell? • 8th November 2015, 07:24 AM

DON'T JUDGE ME PLEASE.... But I have a 2-year old semi-OP Dell computer. Still doing okay after all these years.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in R.I.P DSGHQ MC Server • 7th November 2015, 05:38 PM

THE DSGHQ MC SERVER IS GONE?!??!?! I'd love to get my hands on the host that corrupted the database and didn't say sorry.....

Oh well, ever since we have the new 1.9 snapshots, we still have InfiniteMCMania!

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Mood Bug. • 7th November 2015, 10:26 AM

This is a glitch with the UPDATE SQL query. It updates your mood but the mood comments are still there. I hope Damen somehow finds a way to use the INSERT INTO SQL query without giving the player experience if you made the mood below 5 mins after your previous mood.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Snowball Server competition! • 5th November 2015, 11:09 AM

Btw the winner gets all my gold, and you're Co-Captain.

I hope many users come on for the tournament!

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Minecraft-Based Signature Shop • 2nd November 2015, 03:55 PM

Lloyd wrote on 2nd November 2015 09:04 AM:
Omega said on 1st November 2015 08:30 AM:
Lloyd said on 31st October 2015 08:56 PM:
Nice sig shop but I think it's too expensive and I don't like the default texture...

LOL says the person that has tons of gold.

Anyways, we're having a limited-time sale from Nov 1 - 5! 50% off.

Jayfeather said on 1st November 2015 05:29 AM:
I want one saying: Jayfeather OldCP
Moderate Signature and do it black, all black and grey.. WAIT.. actually the same as yours

Thanks for ordering a signature! I'll get to you soon. Btw is it gonna be ur description or next to ur namw?

Alright then! So lime like mine

I already gave 1 gold to Luke and 1 gold to Tennis, so pls I AM HELPING POOR PEOPLE

*COUGH* I have only 20 gold. :(

Jk. Do you want a signature btw?

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Update [On Life] • 1st November 2015, 02:31 PM

Abushekaus Septim wrote on 1st November 2015 02:28 PM:
Hey guys! What's up? Hope you had a great Halloween!!

Many of you have heard what happened, and I wanted to say a few things.

Thank you for all of the kind things everyone said! Definitely felt the love from the community. I loved being a mod for you guys . Please do not take what happened and twist it. Many replies and moods were saying that I am innocent, or that I don't deserve this. You are entitled to your opinion but I did what I did. Nothing changes that, so don't blame others for this. Gladly, I've been forgiven . My username is now Abushe, so feel free to stop and say hi! Sorry if I let any of you down, especially to the Knights. You guys are great. This is not the end of Abu, I'll be around for much longer. You guys are some of the best friends I've ever had. No rank can ever change that. Glad to be able to hang with you guys. Savages. So yeah, this was just a little bump in the journey, I myself feel like I've already crossed it. Excited for the future! I apologize once again.

GG to that


This is one of the reasons I have stayed for 2+ years on this community.

This one time I announced I was quitting (on MC) but the users went out of their way to convince me otherwise, and that's why I'm still here. :D

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Minecraft-Based Signature Shop • 1st November 2015, 08:30 AM

Lloyd wrote on 31st October 2015 08:56 PM:
Nice sig shop but I think it's too expensive and I don't like the default texture...

LOL says the person that has tons of gold.

Anyways, we're having a limited-time sale from Nov 1 - 5! 50% off.
Jayfeather wrote on 1st November 2015 05:29 AM:
I want one saying: Jayfeather OldCP
Moderate Signature and do it black, all black and grey.. WAIT.. actually the same as yours

Thanks for ordering a signature! I'll get to you soon. Btw is it gonna be ur description or next to ur namw?

Alright then! So lime like mine

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Minecraft-Based Signature Shop • 31st October 2015, 08:33 PM

Courtney wrote on 31st October 2015 08:16 PM:
This is very cool and awesome signatures on Minecraft but the prices are to high I would buy one if you lowerd the prices, 200-1300 for a signature is very expensive. But anyways awesome and very cool Minecraft signatures.

Have a safe and Wonderful Halloween.

It may seem like a lot but I was estimating with the range.

It's 200+ gold, really.

P.S depending on the quality of the signature, if there's only a little addition, it's gonna cost pretty much the same as the Mega package, maybe a little higher.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Minecraft-Based Signature Shop • 31st October 2015, 08:01 PM

Hey guys, today I've decided to create a minecraft-based signature shop!

Basically, you can msg me details, and I will make your signature in Minecraft.

Here's an example I made:

Of course you can choose the background slate, and if you know some, any MC blocks!


Normal Signature: [black / white slate, choose your fav wool color block]:

- 15 gold.

Moderate Signature: [black / white slate, choose any stained hardened clay / wool color block]:

- 27 gold.

Advanced Signature: [any color slate, underline, any combinations of blocks, any stained hardened clay / wool color block]

- 45 gold.

Extremely Advanced Signature: [features for all, however any block and a short description beneath your name]

- 76 gold.

Mega Signature: [same as above, however a longer description (20+ letters) and only 1 pixel-art picture]

- 140 gold.

Yetta Signature: [same, however 2+ descriptions with unlimited letters and any # of pixel art pictures ( you can also add anything of your favorite! )

- Ranges between 200 -1300 gold depending on the quality of the signature.

That's basically it! Please PM me or write a request here for a signature. Your signature should arrive in the next 1-2 days or so, or even almost instantly.

Further questions? PM me or ask me in a post! I'll get to you ASAP.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Rest in Peace InfinteMCMania I • 20th October 2015, 07:13 PM

If I see unduly emotional of this it's b/c InfiniteMCMania was my server... and it just shut down like that!


Hey guys. Omega here, you may be wondering why this discussion is being made.

Well, it's because InfinteMCMania -- my server is gone.

Omega, why not create another server? ... Because it's not easy paying for a server.

Reset it then. Are you kidding me?! If I reset this all will be gone. Additionally, the problem may come back.

Okay, I'm interested. What happened? So my server had been inactive for 13 days. I decided to open it up, then I went on. For just a few minutes I played and then the server just closed, without me doing anything. This also happened to many others. Also, the crash logs DO NOT contain any useful info that I can use to prevent this.

So what? I don't have any feelings for this server! SO WHAT?! Try paying for this server yourself! That should answer your "so what".

Rest in peace InfiniteMCMania. You served as a very good server and created many memories. You shall be remembered, and IF I can fix you, I WILL release you out of your grave.

" InfiniteMCMania, the most complex server on the DSGHQ. " - Omegazz 2015

Please.. It would send a smile on my face if you just show a tiny amount of respect for this server. :)

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in READ NOW!!! • 15th October 2015, 07:49 PM

Good warning. Hackers are honestly noobs b/c then people can figure out eventually some hacker is doing something bad to their computer.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Make It Up! • 7th October 2015, 03:59 PM

I got banned for saying this comment which I am typing to this moment right now.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in OMG :{ MY CAT IS BEING BULLIED • 4th October 2015, 04:12 PM

What you guys don't realize is that this is from almost 2 years ago. Please do not comment on old posts. Thank you.

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Posted in Bob Randomness 2 • 3rd October 2015, 10:12 AM

1. What was Damen's original name?
A. Nathan
B. Tent
C. Ghost
D. Cyberwolf

2. What was DSGHQ Forums' original name?
A. SnailsChat HQ
C. Prava Stickmen Forums
D. OldCP Forums

3. What were the names of the original detectives?
A. Hashir, Bakon, Nicholas Angel, Pieguy
B. Pieguy, Powell, Hashir, Bob
C. Powell, Nicholas Angel, Bob, Pieguy
D. Bakon, Matthew, Hashir, Nicholas Angel

I hope I got all these right.. ;)