1,172 posts
Posted in OldCp Color Bug • 19th February 2016, 06:18 PM

Jellyfish41 wrote on 19th February 2016 05:43 PM:
I have recently discovered a bug on OldCP. The bug is that when I go from one place to another, my penguin turns blue. Will this be patched anytime soon?

Like malorie said, It will soon be patched

1,172 posts
Posted in Community Vote • 19th February 2016, 06:17 PM

Greek Sheep wrote on 19th February 2016 06:14 PM:
Vote down below for which option you think would be best

Gg on your name for your thing

1,172 posts
Posted in Return of DSGHQ Xat • 19th February 2016, 06:03 PM

:C :( rip drejk, WBB XATTTTT

1,172 posts
Posted in TSA Losing its way • 8th August 2015, 03:26 PM

OldCPHelper wrote on 8th August 2015 03:04 PM:
Today The TSA agents have disappointed me greatly

i am very VERY disappointed u all absoulutely did everything wrong possible that i can think of

i had to shout 5 times to call every agent to the side
barely an agent attended
i worked so hard

i have the TSA Agents 2 days to read that post
invited them
pmed some

this is gettind ridiculous

so i decided if the next TSA mission isnt going good
we are going to sell TSA for 3000 gold
if we are permitted

TSA agents have disobeyed it
and we were soft being stricter doesnt cause to much of a difference either immature acting screaming faking adding to roleplay without permission or informing atleast

and if i hear bad reports from the new director we are shutting down TSA

we are making the TSA open to public

Note:- We are not going to sell it if the next mission goes EXACTLY as planned

i am very disapointed heart broken and angry that all the agents had disobeyed me
i mean its easy to
i acknowledge that
but not ignoring every word
then how are they agents

i am not saying be perfect
i am saying try to be your perfect

agents i have been swetting today
i am completely mad
where every agent spoiled every scene

the first time we were hosting the mission NOT ONE AGENT CAME!!!!!!!!!
the second time ONLY 2 CAME heygirl and george


if u want to buy TSA pm me
but be aware it is not approved

But och why sell tsa

1,172 posts
Posted in knight app (#2) • 5th July 2015, 11:51 AM

Hello today I will be talking about an knight app all about the things I know SO GET READY! To sit and watch.

I love all the standard things about ranks, All about the different topics moderator,adminstrator and many more! But its time I get out there about knight, and this ones going to freak you out. MEMBER, MEMBER ON XAT MWHAHA. Ahem well about that always wearing armor, armor.
The most important thing about knight is about jail/swords first im talking about swords I know how to activate then (Shift + F) swing it (F) block (SPACE), even when your in danger mostly knights halfway save you from it the half is killing mostly the bad guys and stuff I really know that
you also jail them too (So almost full the work) the mods/admins catching them its pretty much just knights. Knights are really important because of one thing arresting! That's why we have jail today, Knights really do help us in many ways with /arrest /jail! that's why they are part of oldcp! to help us.

1,172 posts
Posted in Knight app • 5th July 2015, 11:04 AM

Chronicle Scholar wrote on 3rd July 2015 09:59 AM:
This should be in Application category. But good application. Keep trying. +1
Thank you

1,172 posts
Posted in The Minecraft Showdown (Event) • 5th July 2015, 11:01 AM

Hashir wrote on 30th June 2015 03:19 PM:
Kris162 said on 30th June 2015 03:19 PM:
Awesome! I'll try to be there!

Do you want to sign up? Choose a team
I will be on team shrek -Lark

1,172 posts
Posted in Knight app • 3rd July 2015, 09:54 AM

Well someone who is reading this im very happy to make an appacation just sit back, and read.

Okay i think i should have knight because i want to protect everyone and more i know all the trivia i know how to snowball fight i just really want to be someone trustworthy of a rank. Well knight i know is a big responisbility 1. never take armor off 2. arrest people when doing something bad (well 2 chances maybe maybe not based on event) i dont really cry or anything when i die but i know i am tuff and i can do all the tasks to make one thing knight.

to you one and only

1,172 posts
Posted in Fresh Coffee at coffee shop • 6th May 2015, 06:02 AM

Brog wrote on 4th May 2015 05:03 PM:
Well There coffee is kind of good